Hi children! Today we are going to look at the GREATEST miracle of all - the MIRACLE OF EASTER - when our Lord Jesus CAME ALIVE after He had been DEAD!
The Jewish leaders were very jealous of the Lord Jesus because so many people liked Him and crowded round to listen to Him when He taught in the Temple. These leaders refused to BELIEVE that He was the Son of God and they wanted to get rid of Him.
that first GOOD FRIDAY morning they handed Jesus over to the
Romans to be CRUCIFIED. The soldiers beat Him with whips till His
back was torn and bleeding. They put a crown of sharp thorns on
His head and a purple robe on His back and made fun of Him as a
King. Then they made poor, bleeding Jesus carry a heavy wooded
cross through the streets of Jerusalem, in front of everybody.
When they came outside the city wall to the place called Calvary, they NAILED Jesus to the cross, through His hands and feet. The CROSS was lifted high with the suffering Jesus stretched in agony upon it. They put a sign up saying, "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews."
Though He was in terrible pain, Jesus did not GRUMBLE. He still LOVED them even after they had done these dreadful things to Him. He knew He had to DIE for their SINS and for OURS also! What a wonderful person is Jesus, our Saviour!
SIX lonely hours upon that awful CROSS, the Lord Jesus bowed His
head and gave up His spirit. He was DEAD. His friends came and
took His body and buried Him in a tomb. It was like a CAVE with a
huge STONE across the entrance. People thought it was the END of
But however, THREE days later, on the first EASTER SUNDAY, early in the morning MARY went to the tomb and noticed that the STONE had been removed from the entrance. She was crying and saw two angels sitting in the cave where Jesus' body had been, one at the head the other at the foot. They asked her, "Why are you crying?"
"They have taken my Lord away," she said, "and I don't know where they have put Him."
Then she turned round and saw Jesus standing there, but she didn't realise it was Jesus. She thought He was the gardener. "Woman," he said, "why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?"
she said, "if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have put Him and I will get
Jesus said to her, "MARY."
She turned towards Him and cried out, "MASTER!"
What a
wonderful God Jesus is!
"Dear Lord Jesus, You DIED for my sins that first GOOD FRIDAY and You CAME ALIVE AGAIN that first EASTER SUNDAY. Now You and I will LIVE together in Heaven for ever because I TRUST in You. Amen."
"... he who believes has everlasting life..." JOHN 6:47
Questions for you to answer:-
1) Who handed Jesus over to the Romans? ___________
2) How many hours was Jesus on the CROSS? _______
3) Mary thought Jesus was the G_____________?
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